Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Response to 12/2 Readings

In reading the articles for tomorrow, I could not help but think about my NewsFlash topic (suicides by fire of Afghan women).  We entered Afghanistan to 'help' Muslim women yet, as my article states, these 'fire suicides' have actually risen by almost 20% in the past couple years.  Furthermore, by entering Afghanistan, Afghan men could see American occupation as demasculinizing and thus they overpower women in order to reaffirm their masculinity.  Ultimately, it seems to me, we are making the situation worse for Afghan women.

Furthermore, as Abu-Lughod says, we shouldn't say we need to help these women.  What do we know of their culture, their feelings, their identities.  We assume everyone wants to be like us.  All women want the same things American women have because "America is the best country."  We cannot keep assuming this.  The rest of the world is slowly growing to strongly resent us because of America's superiority complex.  It is not up to us to save the world and reign over 'lesser countries' until they fit our idea of a perfect nation.  That is colonialism, no matter how we try to disguise it.  America needs to back off and allow other countries to live as they choose.  Although, I do think countries who have power and money should step in when human rights are being violating, they should not stay and continue influencing other countries.  It's a thin line.  When do you help (for human rights issues) and when should you stay out and mind your own business?

1 comment:

  1. Before I read your short response I scrolled over your news flash. Although I feel that I am generally well informed about domestic and global events I was shocked and actually horrified to see these images. I found myself looking away from the screen because I just couldn't handle looking at these women. I feel that my reaction represents that of many Americans, in the sense that it is easier for us to look away from this unpleasant reality. For real change to occur our society, including myself, will have to take a hard look at the facts and find a way to deal with the reality.
